Thursday, April 8, 2010

5 Brothers (Pinkerton)

Five brothers.

The "LEGENDARY" Five brothers.

Originally Posted by
One of the more unusual tobaccos available, extremely full-bodied, ultra-high nicotine content. A must for those who like living on the dangerous side.

"Danger's my middle name"-Austin Powers

If I could sum up my review in one word, it be "WOW" because this stuff is simply awesome.

Lets start with the review.

Smell: From the package, it kinda smells, in my opinion, like a jerky (as in beef jerky, but not beef scented) smell. Maybe a little bit like cigarette shag, but a lot more pleasant.

I let my family smell it, and they all equally liked it. Actually, my dad said "Wow, I think I might start pipe smoking again" because he loved the smells of the various tobaccos, including this one, which he promptly rolled into a cigarette and tried it, exclaiming, "Wow, strong!"

This then brings us to...

Room Note: The room note is sweet smelling. it smells nothing like a cigarette and nothing like a cigar. It is very tolerable and should not offend anyone around you, unless they just genuinely dislike the smell of smoke altogether. The smell also disappears from a room very quick.

Packing: This stuff is a shag cut, and packs well, but is a bit hard to gravity dip.

Lighting: Catches fire like a haystack. It burns so well, and fast you will be like "wow, that was a fast bowl" I have had to relight several times, but that probably has nothing to do with the tobacco itself and more to do with the way I packed it.

Taste: The taste is very odd, but not unpleasant. Nothing at all like burleys are known for, which is usually a "nutty" taste. I would venture a guess into saying it has a flavor reminiscent of smoked jerky or around that type and is a very full bodied smoke that is very reminiscent of a cigar, but very different as well.

You can smoke this a bit fast, and won't get tongue bite (maybe a little tingle on the tongue, but that may be from Nicotine) it actually develops a spiciness when its smoked a little hotter, and I like that.

My sister, upon trying a puff, said "It has a wood flavor" I don't know if I myself noticed that, but thought I would mention so.

Not complex by any means, but great when you want a smoke for tinkering around.

Aftertaste: None that I detected. I noticed no real good or bad flavor lingering on my pallet afterward.

Price: three bucks. I got a pouch when I ordered from and it cost me three bucks. You can't go wrong there.

Closing comments: For what is considered an "over the counter" I actually prefer this to a lot of tins tobacco I have tried. Its great and should be tried by everyone at least once. I am not a burley fan, having had burley only in mixes or other OTC burleys, but this stuff is a winner and is going into my rotation of tobaccos I will smoke whenever. I will buy more, and wish this had a bulk offering. :(

as for the "Nicotine" this posses, well, I can't say I noticed it at all. I will admit, I only smoked three bowls so far. Two small and one medium (and I didn't smoke the medium all at once, had to put it down to do stuff from time to time) but nothing too powerful.

As a person who has come from cigars, nothing in the pipe tobacco word, nicotine wise, has phased me. Once you've smoked and gotten whooped by a Carmacho Triple Murado, other tobaccos nicotine just fails in comparison.

If you're new to smoke tobacco though, I probably wouldn't start with this until you built up a tolerance to nicotine. If you are just joining the pipe world and coming from cigars or cigarettes, then I say start with this, as you can handle it, I am sure and is much better then starting with Captain Black or some other nasty OTC.

Can't compliment this enough. The only con is it can sometimes heat up your bowl, but never uncomfortably hot.

Highly recommend

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